I have noticed for years a negative shift in my kid’s behavior a couple of days before a huge storm comes rolling in but it took me a while to figure out it was the drop in barometric pressure. Before I got it I would just pull my hair out wondering what was up with the temperments in my house and then just like a lightswitch, they would clear.
My girlfriend who also shares in the behavior shift with the barometer attests to it being a problem at her house when the barometer drops and when it rises severely too.
A science teacher wrote an article that I read saying that even grownups can feel a severe pressure drop and it tends to make us tired, listless and cranky. We have all heard of the old farmer who knows its going to rain because the arthritis acts up in his knee? Well, that is the same concept and if it can affect a knee, it can certainly affect a brain, heart, liver, etc.
Well that explains it then.
When the pressure is dropping sharply my kids bicker non-stop, completely disobey, have trouble sleeping, complain about tummy aches and headaches and are extremely irritable.
Since the onset and recovery of chronic lyme, I have noticed it as well. I always thought I was irritable because the kids were fighting and raising cain, but it is definitely me as well. Mostly I feel tired and short fused and intolerable of everything – unfortunately, its a bit like PMS.
Its a double whammy to get the kickback of emotional and physical symptoms, but it is never just one or the other. To add insult to injury, the eclipse (blood moon) a few weeks ago increased all our barometric symptoms ten fold. The eclipse, plus the full moon, plus a severe drop in barometer that day for a storm coming created havoc at our house.
I know I am not alone in this phenomenon, I meet mom’s all the time who describe similar tales.
So, what do we do to combat it? Well, I feel like we go through a gallon of their Bach Flower remedy and Rescue Remedy (http://www.bachflower.com/). I make sure we are detoxing well, because it is the liver that is giving the kickback. So any additional liver support like SillyMarin, MolyB and detox baths usually take the edge off.
Also, this week my homeopathic doctor gave me a new remedy with homeopathic mercury and phosphorus and it helped tremendously. I had previously been using a growing pains remedy with phosphorus in it and it also helped, but the added mercury definitely gave more benefit.
Make sure the kids are eating right and getting plenty of sleep or more sleep than usual can also be a help.
For me, I started using a Uriel product called Soilum Aesculus Cream. And for some reason, Arnica also seems to help me and the kids.
Honestly, because we live in Kansas and the storms rage all spring making the barometer a virtual roller coaster, it is a battle I feel like a lose more than I win. But I know we get through it better than we used to, where I yelled, the kids cried and everyone went to bed early.
If anyone else experiences this and has feedback or products they use, please post and share so we can all experiment.
When my anxiety was great within me, your consolation brough joy to my soul. (Psalm 94:19)
Janice Fairbairn
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