Ode to a Lioness

Cub LionessIf I could be an African Cat, I would be a lioness.

We recently re-watched African Cats, the Disney Nature movie. So I have big cats on the brain today.

I don’t remember feeling so nostalgic watching that movie the first time, I think because it was pre-Lyme. I have always cherished my female mommy friends, but now through all the struggles with my kid’s health and my own, I treasure them.

I know some awesome warrior lioness mommies and am grateful they have let me be part of their pride. I could not have raised my children to this point without their input, prayers, knowledge and support.

Raising kids with chronic or mystery health issues is not for the faint of heart. It’s a daily struggle, like life on the plains. Not knowing what each day will bring and how big the challenges that will arise. But I am not alone. You are not alone.

In the Narnia movie, Prince Caspian, Lucy is talking to Aslan the Lion. She draws her knife ready to fight but questions her own bravery. Aslan’s reply was “If you were any braver, you would be a lioness.”

Oh how true. These momma lions are fierce, protective and have bravery beyond compare. That is the mom I want to be for my kids, never flinching, never doubting, never fearing, just charging on. And when danger has passed and life is good, not be afraid of a little or a long nap.

I want my kids to know I’m in their corner, to know I will fix and fight for and research until the Lord takes my last breath. I seek for them to inherit that perseverance in life, health and relationships that builds courage. For bravery to be instinct and that fear will never make them hesitate or have second thoughts or freeze their movements.

I have to admit, that even though I know I am circled by strong brave lioness friends and mommies, there are weak “three in the morning” times that I feel more like the Cheetah mommy.

She is all alone on the prairie. She has no one watching her back. She must do it all on her own. She must leave her cubs alone and vulnerable while she goes to hunt. Oh, boy, I sure feel that way at times. Like the weight of the world is upon my shoulders, and there is no help in sight.

After watching this movie again, I am so thankful that even though I can feel like a Cheetah, all alone, that I am not. If you do not have a warrior momma circle, find one, get one, or start your own. But in the end, at three in the morning, the Lord will meet you there.

None of us are alone, we are not abandoned and He will meet you there and carry your burdens and bless you with wisdom and bravery.

You don’t have to feel strong and brave to be a lioness. You just have to want to fiercely provide, help, heal and protect your kids. Let the Lord show you what that looks like for you and your family.

Don’t waste your lioness growls and fangs on the doubters that surround you. They question what you are doing, they live in fear and bend to the culture’s whims. They don’t understand chronic illness so they judge yours. Don’t waste bravery on them, just move on and stay with the pride. Stay with the pride who understand you and is living your life.

Save your power, bravery and teeth for the disease, the illness and doctors or insurance companies that get in your way.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)


Janice Fairbairn

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