The Life Vessel and the Autonomic Nervous System

life-vesselThere are many things on this journey of healing that I would not have believed in a mere 5 years ago. Its not that we were not unhealthy people or were incredibly mainstream – we have never been. But since the onset of Lyme and its various co-infections onto three of us in our home, a lot has changed.

I was introduced to the Life Vessel by my doctor at Hansa. All three members of our family have great success in the Life Vessel. I do know some who have not, however, I believe it depends on where you are in your healing process and what your body needs to heal.

It uses light, sound, vibration and frequency to create a natural state of relaxation. If you are chronically sick, you are well aware that you haven’t been sleeping well for quite some time. If you are not sleeping well and reaching REM sleep and cycling through each night, then the body does not get time to reset and recuperate. Being chronically sick, your body desperately needs this even more and then health can snowball out of control.

The Life Vessel basically “reboots” the Autonomic Nervous System so the body can cycle through sleep and wake cycles again.  The ANS (Autonomic Nervous System)  is the part of the peripheral nervous system that acts as a major “software” system for the body, functioning largely below the level of consciousness, and controls all your internal organ functions. The ANS affects heart rate,digestion, respiratory rate, salivation, perspiration, pupillary dilation, urination, and sexual arousal. Most autonomous functions are involuntary but a number of ANS actions can work with some degree of conscious control.

So you can begin to see how important it is to have the ANS working properly. Well, just like a computer virus destroys the way your computer works, the Lyme and co-infections destroy your ANS software system and the way your body can function.

What does it mean to “reset the ANS”? Think of it like hypnosis in a way. My kids at times have been completely awake during all 4 sessions and still gotten a huge benefit, so it does not alter your consciousness to accomplish the reboot. But it does use the vibration, light and sound to reach the human software system in your body.

All four members of our family have enjoyed the benefits of the Life Vessel. From chemical detoxing, to histamine toxicity, mast cell disorders, neurotransmitter deficiency, parasites, yeast, low thyroid and much more – the Life Vessel has improved all these things for different members of our family.

With just 4 easy sessions over 3 days time, the body will slowly over 3-12 weeks adjust to those sessions. Intense hydration, rest will help the body recover. The bonus – you get to lay on a soft pillow and listen to music and meditate, pray or sleep in each session. It is a very relaxing and rewarding process. It is safe for people of all ages with any type of ailment. From babies to the aging, it will work. I had a mom tell me that her constipated colicky baby pooped within minutes after being in the Life Vessel and had no more trouble after that. My kids had their first sessions in the Life Vessel at 3 and 5 and did just great.

Here is a list from their website of all the major health crisis they have seen patients benefit from the Life Vessel:

Autism, Arthritis, Asthma, Lyme, C-Reactive Protein, Chronic Fatigue / Low Endurance, Chronic PAIN, Crohn’s Disease, Depression & Anxiety, Hashimoto’s Disease, High & Chronic Stress, Type 1 & Type II Diabetes, Diverticulosis, Fibromyalgia/Lupus, Infertility, Irritable Bowel, Kidney Issues, ADD / ADHD, Migraines, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, Post Traumatic Stress (PTSD), Scleroderma, Cerebral Palsy, Lack of Focus/Clarity/Self Confidence
If this is something you would consider to work in concert with your other natural healing treatments and supplements, then check the list below for one near you.
San Juan Capistrano, CA
Colorado Springs, CO
Davenport, IA
Fort Wayne, IN
Santa Barbara, CA
Santa Fe, NM
Santa Rosa, CA
Scottsdale, AZ
Wilmington, NC
Hutchinson, KS
Overall, we love the Life Vessel because it does work in concert with all our other healing modalities. It puts the body back the way God intended it to be. It cleans house, resets and puts back.
Blessings and healing,
Janice Fairbairn – The Lyme Evangelist
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