What I would do if diagnosed with a life threatening illness? — Part 1

Image result for breaking news imagesIts everywhere I turn these days, more and more shocking and depressing statistics of high percentages of childhood cancer, childhood diabetes, autoimmune disorders, early onset Alzheimer’s, and cancer, cancer, cancer. Couple that with the fact that we all know someone fighting a mystery illness. We all know someone fighting cancer. We all know someone who just got very bad health news.

I find it my life’s new work to spread the good news that there is hope and healing to be found outside traditional mainstream beliefs and practices. THERE IS HOPE.

My battle, our battle in my home has been against the ravages of chronic Lyme Disease and many various co-infections. My life has been surrounded by cases of cancer, dementia and autoimmune diseases. It doesn’t matter what the name of your bad news is. It doesn’t matter what they tell you about it.

What matters is what you do next.

It matters.

Do not fear. Do not play into the hands of mainstream medicine that is scaring you in order to convince you of their chosen method of treatment. Don’t mistake their fear based concern with compassion and care. They are making cold hard cash. Their goals are profit.

True healing and good choices do not involve fear. It is not fear of death gains you life. Choosing life gains you life.

Understanding the body and how it works and what it needs to heal gain you life.

Everyday walking on this earth is a gamble. Will you gamble on God’s perfect creation and his innate design for healing or will you take a chance on synthetic pharmaceutical fear mongering?

Okay, soapbox aside. Now what would I do to heal?

People will say, I don’t have the money for expensive alternative treatment. People will tell me they don’t have insurance that will cover it. I hear all about how many people don’t have alternative doctors nearby. So what do you do then?

There are many simple, inexpensive ways to help you body heal that you can do ON YOUR OWN without the need for expensive things or doctors.

This series is dedicated to telling you about those very things. Stay tuned as we follow along the journey of how to heal.

Blessings and healing,

Janice Fairbairn – The Lyme Evangelist

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