Mr. Monk’s fear of bees

ImageI don’t know how many of you are a fan of the TV show Mr. Monk, but my husband and I are rabid fans. In a rerun espisode we were watching yesterday on Netflix, he was listing off he phobias for his therapist – Milk, Heights, Bees, Blenders, Bees in Blenders…..

So irrational to be afraid of something that will most likely never occur in anyone’s lifetime – bees in blenders. But as I was processing it, I realized that some of the irrational fears that the enemy put in my head during my battle with chronic LYME were also completely irrational and highly unlikely.

Fear is a terrible beast and can wage a war silently, unconsciously, and flank you from all sides in an all out seige that seems defeat is imminent – but it is not.

The year I got really ill, my son’s teacher at school shared something with me about fear in the illness. She knew something about staring in the eyes of fear after she beat cancer. She recited to me Joshua 1:9 and reminded me that it was a command. It is a command to be strong and courageous and to not be terrified. What a different perspective I had after that.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

God also asks you to give Him your fears. He can take the burden, the weight of them all – he can sort through the irrationality of it all and give sunshine in the cloud and oppression of despair.

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

Now to go make a smoothie for breakfast, without the bees…….