Dear LYme Disease …..this is your LAST CALL!

I will cut straight to the chase here – you need to leave now. In fact, now that I think about it, you were not invited in the first place. I’m not sure how you even got my address or thought you could come and stay so long. But now that I know about you and your wicked ways, you must go immediately. Right NOW.

How is it that you have been here so long undetected and quiet while slowly causing so much damage? Where did you learn such malicious and vindictive tricks to get at all my organs and cause my brain so much fog?

Well, you will not be getting a good reference from me and you can expect no deposit and no return invitation. No way. Not from me. When you go you must go far far far from here. You are not allowed to visit my family or any more of my loved ones. Once you leave here you are gone from all of us for good. No forwarding address, our number is unlisted, consider we never met.

While are you at it, go ahead and tell all those good for nothing friends of yours to sceedaddle too, because they are next and I mean business. I’m not sure how you caught me sleeping on the job before and let you in here to do so much havoc, but I am on to you now. You and all your kind have “most wanted” posters out and I know you by name, so you can’t sneak by me again.

And when you go, go quietly and quickly. No having one more giant keg party as a last stand. No setting the place on fire on the way out the door. You’ve done enough here. Just go.

How is it that you have tricked so many smart people into thinking you don’t exist and don’t really do that much harm? Seems like some sort of conspiracy like Area 51 or something. Because once someone has met you and looked you in the eye and seen what you are capable of, they cannot deny who you really are.

You must have some serious money to bribe big business into not paying for any treatments either. How did you get that figured out too? You have got quite a system going here, but I have news for you.

We are on to you. I have got your number. There are lots of us, and I mean lots of us who you tricked and sneaked in and tore the place up, but we are telling all our friends. That’s right, you heard me. I will shout it from the mountaintop and not stop until more people know exactly who you are and what you have done and think you can still do.

I’m sick and tired of seeing you in the eyes of loved ones and strangers alike in the form of silent stalking names like “autoimmune disorders” or depression or one of your other aliases. I’m not afraid to tell them who they are really fighting. You might have a hundred names, but I know you. You’ve been found out.

One last thing before your eviction, consider it your benediction as you depart. I am thankful that this entire experience has left me on alert. I am keenly aware of my perserverance and survivibilty. I have a newfound perspective on life and am grateful for every breath and the second chance I have to live it.

Don’t begin to gloat, that wasn’t your intention to leave me stronger. You intended to destroy me. Well, you haven’t. You won’t.

So go, get a move on and bon voyage…..this is your LAST CALL!



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