Brain Fog

brain fogI was sitting at my kid’s swimming lessons this summer happily feeling on the upside of my Lyme battle and chatting with a friend. Another unknown lady came into the conversation and I introduced myself to her because we had discovered some friends in common. Her reply stunned me. “I met you last summer at swimming lessons. We chatted quite a bit, in fact our kids have been in the same swimming classes for two years now.”

(Insert my jaw down – duh – dumbfounded look here)

So, what was my brilliant response? So, what did we talk so much about last summer? Um, have I introduced myself three times then?

No, instead, I quickly apologized and blamed it all of the lyme brain fog.

The agonizing lyme brain fog!! Blast it that brain fog!! Curse you and be gone.

I know we have all experienced this phenomenon to even more severe degree. During the sickest times, the fog was so thick I could barely remember my own name, let alone what I did five minutes ago, or what day my kid’s library books were due at school or if I had paid the mortgage.

In the middle of the fog it was torture, but the pain and agony of survival were what capitvated my time and energy. It is only after the uphill climb that I’ve encountered such awkward moments of half-lyme brain. You know I was back out in the world functioning, but apparently blacked out half of it.

Last year I just gathered up the energy and will to mail out Christmas cards for our family. I hadn’t done it in 4 years or more since I lost our Christmas card address list (well it got eaten by an old computer). So, in my half Lyme brain, I began to gather addresses from the Christmas cards we received and sent out a late card for the first time. I was so proud of myself for accomplishing the feat.

Now, fast forward to last week when I got out this Christmas list to add to it and mail out cards again this year. As I am printing out the albels, I see a family’s name I don’t know. Hmm. How did that get on there, I wonder casuallly. The Munson family. I don’t know anyone by that name. I ask my husband. Nope, he doesn’t know anyone named Munson. No one in the church directory either. My husband asked, “Why, who are the Munsons?”

My response was, “I have no idea, but I mailed them a Christmas card last year.”

My prayer for each of us with lyme brain fog, that through our fog we still bless others. I might have introduced myself three times to that nice lady, but at least I was nice and polite and not a raving lunatic. I might not remember the Munsons, but I did mail them a Christmas card…….

Just imagine that within your thick fog wanders an entire legion of fellow Lymie brains. You are not alone and anchor of all anchors is there holding us all in the palm of His hand.

This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength. (Neh 8:10)


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