These are a few of my favorite things…..

My kids adore all types of singing movies and the classics are still some of their favorites. As I was thinking onfavoritethings2 all the benefits and progress we made in 2013, this song popped into my head. Its from the benefit of the doctors and suppliers of natural methods and supplements that gave us these gains (and the grace of God).

1. Essential Oils – Young Living

We use Thieves oil like candy around here. I use it to clean, disinfect, diffuse, etc. It is an incredible immune booster – antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral. We also use Oregano oil for a powerful antifungal for my son and apply directly on his feet to conteract die off from Candida. Frankenscense and Mister oil work great for attitude adjustments for the kids. I use Brain Power, Release, Lemon, and Citrus Fresh daily Post Lyme to process through the brain fog cognitive issues, emotional issues and energy boosting needed on myself. I applied every day for over 9 months and now only have to treat as needed. These oils are powerful and do fantastic. Do your research and read about the benefits of each one.

2. Richway Bio-mat –

We purchased the smaller version for budget reasons and that covers the torso, is more portable and works great for the kids too. I lay on this every night for almost an hour. I sleep better, wake up nicer and have less back pain. We use it for the kids at the first sign of trouble. All three of us now have normal core body temperatures!! That is the best investment into our future health and our body’s ability to fight off infection. At one time, my body temp was between 94-95 and the kid’s both were around 96 degrees.

3. Detox baths – We use frequent detox baths with equal parts Epsom Salt and Hydrogen Peroxide (3%) to detoxify and soak for 20 minutes. We use 1 1/2 cups to 2 cups each for the kids at the first sign of an infection. On a weekly basis we use 1 cup each. For grownups, 2 to 4 cups each. We do up to 3 times per day if fighting a terrible fever or infection. Weekly or biweekly to just naturally detoxify. Add a couple teaspoons of freshly grated ginger for added benefit. Also can begin with dry brushing on your skin if fighting a chronic type of illness.

4. Bach Flower –

We orignally got hooked using this through their custom blend called “Rescue Remedy”. I still keep this on  hand in my purse and at home to duct-tape any emotional issue that arises until it can be relieved. Since then we have dug into the individual flower essences and chosen the ones we needed specifically for each person in our family and for specific emotional upsets. This stuff is priceless and handles balancing of emotions wonderfully.

Blessing and healing,

Janice Fairbairn

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