My Kids are AMAZING!

CircleKids copyMy Kids are Amazing

Of course every mother thinks her children are amazing, from their giggles to their snuggles on a typical kid day my kids are amazing. But because they are kids with chronic Lyme disease that they have had since birth – my kids are doubly AMAZING!

They have been poked and prodded and down and up and eaten nothing but “cardboard” and taken the nastiest of supplements and herbals and lost sleep and lost out on cupcakes and birthdays and activities and still they smile. They laugh. They are AMAZING!

Oh, what I wouldn’t do to completely take their burdens. It breaks a mother’s heart to have her child hurting, but the endless up and down hurting seems just too much to bear watching. I beg and I plead and I pray until I can nearly comprehend how Jesus sweat drops of blood – I want this gone for them.

I have held and rocked and cried and researched and prayed and cried and lost sleep more than I thought motherhood had in store for me. I will continue to hold and rock and cry and pray and research until these burdens have been lifted. It is the cross I bear each day. I have been given a job no matter what the cost or the burden; I will do all I can because all I can and cannot do is so much less than their little bodies endure.

Two weeks ago in one such cuddle session, my little man sweetly announced how excited he is to be a grown up and get married and have children so they can come to my house after school and play. He thought his children would have fun playing with me. He is only nine. Oh what a blessed picture to hold to, where none of us are chronically ill and we can imagine lighthearted play for the next generation.

I will fight to heal this generation so we can have that memory for the grandkids, my grandkids. I will dream that I will only have to pray away their bicycle scrapes and other various teeny tiny owies. So my biggest job will be to have a variety of band aids on the ready and hugs to comfort until they are ready to play again.

I pray my children don’t have to lose sleep at night and carry the burden of chronically sick children. I pray their days of parenting are filled with ice cream cones of normalacy. I pray that eating out for pizza night will never end in a food reaction. I pray that life is not limiting to them by what they can eat, when they can play outside, what swimming pool they can swim in, and what they sheets have been washed in.

I pray they can travel and explore and not be in fear of ticks and bug bites and parasites. I pray this burden I bear and the fight that they endure will change a generation.

I pray their resilience from this battle is growing their character into the stuff of legends. I pray that their sense of humor through trial will help them withstand the currents of change and the winds of unrest. I pray it will allow them to have a perspective for truly living that is above the culture and the “in” and the “now” to focus on what really matters.

To all the warrior mommies out there with chronically sick kids, go hug them and tell them just how amazing they are.



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