Could you buy a zoo?

veggietalesIts a dead giveaway that I am a parent when I have a thorough knowledge of Veggie Tales, Ninjago, and all things Disney Princess. I can actually beat the kids at Disney trivia and can sing all the theme songs at top volume. If you are not a Veggie Tales fan then you have no idea who Billy Joe McGuffrey is. In fact, I’ve watched countless hours of Veggie Tales movies and have never seen Billy Joe in any clips or shows. Apparently he is in the Jonah movie, but I slept through that part. So a song dedicated to his name’s sake is on a music compliation CD of Veggie Tale songs that we own. This said CD is a favorite of the kids and gets its share of air time in our kitchen.

At any rate, Billy Joe McGuffrey is a really clumsey kid. The song is dedicated to telling of his antics throughout his school years with Veggie Tale hilarity. My favorite verse is from second grade:

He slipped on a banana peel and flew up in the sky, 
Landed on a chimpanzee who poked him in the eye.

But the real reason for this rabbit trail I chase today, is that the chorus hit me this morning for the first time. The kids love listening to this while eating breakfast and getting ready for school and most days I comply if it helps grease the wheels. This morning, we listened to Billy Joe McGuffrey more than once. Since I normally tune it out, I was surprised this line stood out to me:

You could buy a zoo with all the doctor bills he payed.

I immediately register, yep, we could almost have bought a zoo with all the Lyme doctor bills we’ve paid. Well maybe not a real zoo, but probably 20 exotic animals, cages, food and specialized trainers for over a year. Can you relate?

If I think about what this disease has robbed from us monetarily, I start to spin, drool and nearly pass out. Um, after thinking about it this morning it has cost us more than our first house. Um, maybe even our second one.

We could have sailed Disney cruise lines ten times for 2 weeks each. We could have bought a small business, 3 new minivans fully loaded – the list goes on.

Now is this healthy thinking? NO. Absolutely not. Before I pass out from exhaustion, I have to shift my perspective.

Don’t make the wrong list here – make the gain list, not the lost list. Stop thinking of all the money spent and think of the life lived to gain.

– I gained the ability to sit and sing Billy Joe McGuffrey with my kids endless times each day for as long as God allows.

– I gained kids who are healthy and able to sing.

– I avoided banktrupcy by the grace of God alone and we have no debt from all these expenses.

– I can get out of bed each day and live.

– We have doctors who were worth paying for because of the healing that has occured.

I mean, what is that gain list worth. Let me tell you – its worth a heck of a lot more than a zoo or any exotic animal on the planet.

I will sing the Lord’s praise,
    for he has been good to me. Psalm 13:6


Janice Fairbairn

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