I Just Played Wiffle Ball – (blink, blink, blink)

FlashingArrowBlankwithTEXT copyI played wiffle ball in the yard yesterday with my kids – laughing, running, pitching, hitting. It might sound like a small thing, but I know it is not. My heart and my life are not done being grateful for having and living and loving again – not even close.

When you’ve been down in the valley of chronic illness and have climbed out the arduous path to healing, you must relish the mountaintop of life and success often.

I want one of those flashing light arrow signs in front of the house. You know the ones on the side of a rural highway advertising bait and tackle or fresh watermelons (at least there are where I grew up in rural Missouri). I want to put that thing blinking in my front yard with “I played wiffle ball” or “I drove a car again for the first time in 18 months” or “I did my own laundry” or “I unloaded the dishwasher without getting dizzy”. Let all the neighbors think I’m crazy. Better crazy than dead. I can live another day to put up another crazy message on my arrow blinking sign.

You have no idea how good it feels to get excited, to laugh, to even get riled up again, to be a protective momma bear – and boy can I growl. My prayer walking partner calls me a tiger. What a complement to fulfill my roll as a prowling beast full of exuberance again. I am a tiger – again. Wow, sometimes I just have to pinch myself to believe I am back with even more perserverance  than before.

GustoWordCloud copyPick your word here from the word cloud and focus on it until you are living it. You have to want to heal and want to heal bad when you are in the valley of the shadow of LYME, or any other chronic illness. I know its no sure fire guarantee for healing because only God knows the number of our days. But NOT wanting it and not keeping your focus onward and upward is a guarantee to stay where you are or get worse.

Do you need more juice, more sparkle, more pizzazz, more gumption, fire, zeal or spunk? How about some moxie, vim and verve? Focus on gaining fervor, pep, zest and pluck and the stamina and healing will come. Write one or more of these words on the mirror in your bathroom or on the kitchen window. Put these words in our view or hang them on the fridge.

Hold onto the hope of tomorrow and the promise of a day of healing. It will come where you will shock the family by waterskiing (which I did by the way only 6 months after starting treatment even before I could drive again) or starting a business, or launching a new career, or homeschooling your kids, or baking a homemade birthday cake, or just playing a game of wiffle ball.

Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. (Romans 12:11)

Blessings and Healing,



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