Monthly Archives: May 2014

When I was in grade school, the kids couldn’t find anything to rhyme with my name to taunt me and properly make fun of me, until one day, Thomas Clark came up with Praying Mantis Janice. Prophetic? Hmmmm…… While riding in the car last week, my son was reading from […]

Off With Their Heads!

flowers bouquet
A Tribute to all the Warrior Mom’s I know and love that have special needs kids, chronically ill kids, have lost a child or are currently trying to parent while battling illness themselves. Do you know that moment, that moment before a “diagnosis” is handed out? That moment when you […]

Happy Warrior Mother’s Day

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I drove myself for a haircut today. Really, it’s the little things that I still celebrate and pray that I never lose the objectivity, clarity and gratefulness to take these things for granted again. It was a mere 2 years ago deep into my illness that a friend had to […]

The new haircut