Earthing or Grounding 101

IMG_2477I can’t speak at being an expert at this earthing thing yet, but I’m dipping my toe in the bucket and giving it a try and passing along our benefits so far.

So, the earthing basics as I understand them, are about connecting with the energy of the earth. Over the past century we have separated ourselves farther and farther from the actual earth by carpeting our floors, insulating our floors, wearing socks and synthetic shoes and driving on rubber tires. The only time we connect with the earth is at the beach, wear walking barefoot is the norm. Since the earth is a giant magnet and puts out energy, we have blocked out ways our bodies can receive it.  (see

We decided after reading the Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever? [Paperback] [2010] (Author) Clinton, that we would try the sheets. The earthing sheets have silver particles sewed into them and a grounding wire that you can plug into your wall or straight out the window into the ground. (into the ground is the best way to go)

We bought the earthing sheets for all 3 beds in our house and have been sleeping on them for 1 approximately 1 month, minus vacation week. Wow. Wow.

My husband is waking up 1 to 1 1/2 hours earlier refreshed and not groggy every day. My son has stopped grinding his teeth at night. Both my kids are sleeping through the night without waking up. In fact, even when we were on vacation and not sleeping on our earthing sheets, we were at the beach barefoot and in the ocean and it was even better than the sheets alone.

Nothing is a perfect substitute, so if you live near the beach, just walk barefoot more often on it and soak up the rich salt water a bit longer. If you live landlocked, take a long walk around your backyard barefoot. One of my friends swears that after a stressful day at work when his temper wants to flare, a 20 min walk barefoot in his backyard does the trick. It completely winds him down!

I went one step farther and bought a pair of earthing shoes ( and have found running errands not nearly as stressful on my emotions, with or without kids.

If you have serious or chronic health issues, then get “plugged in” and order some earthing sheets or shoes now. Your body needs the earth’s energy to heal, so use it.

Blessings and healing,


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