Monthly Archives: July 2014

I was a gullible 15 year old working my first real job, developing pictures in a darkroom of a photography studio. When developing photos we used a safe yellow light to be able to “see” what we were doing. When developing film, however, it had to be completely dark and […]

X-ray contacts

In my old party days, when I heard the word “stout” I either thought of short and rump or one of my favorite things on the planet – Guinness. Of course that was after my semesters abroad in England, where my favorite pub bar-keep would put a clover leaf into […]

Stout or Stouthearted

Cub Lioness
If I could be an African Cat, I would be a lioness. We recently re-watched African Cats, the Disney Nature movie. So I have big cats on the brain today. I don’t remember feeling so nostalgic watching that movie the first time, I think because it was pre-Lyme. I have […]

Ode to a Lioness

guard rail
Oh,yes, in the old days, I epotimized “living life on the edge”. I tested the limits of my physical body, emotional self and the limits of the law. I drank too much, smoked too much, worked too much, didn’t eat right and slept little. It was a ripe combination for […]

On the Edge with a Rail