Dear Lyme Disease – This is Your Final Eviction Notice

article-new-thumbnail-ehow-images-a04-ht-bl-write-eviction-notice-800x800Please take this as your final notice for eviction. In fact, you don’t even have to read to the bottom of the letter to pack up and go, just stop right here put the letter down and get your crap and get OUT.

And by the way, all those friends you brought over univited – take them too. I never asked any of you to come in here. I didn’t do anything illegal or offputting or out of the ordinary and BAM, you guys all moved in without so much of a “thank you” or “do you mind”.

Seriously, its like a frat party weekend kegger all around here with the mess you made. CLEAN IT UP on your way out. Didn’t your mother ever teach you to put back stuff the way you found it? Didn’t she? Its like you were raised in a barn.

We can’t even walk our dog without having to pick up after her poop at the park, the least you could do is pick up and discard your own waste. How thoughtless and rude.

Haven’t you ever heard of cohabitation and living in harmony? There is nothing harmonious about you and your icky friends living inside my body. No way, no how. You haven’t been playing by the rules and I’ve been Mr. Nice Guy, well not ANYMORE.

I’m changing things up on you and living strong. That means no crappy sugar and processed food for you to thrive on. I’m going to starve out you guys by juicing and eating kale on everything covered with sprinkles of spirilina. Take that! Its going to be better than the Alamo, if you have no ammo, then all you can do is die or surrender.

Honestly, don’t die in here, just go nicely. I’d rather you’d leave peacefully so I don’t have to waste the energy to clean up all the carcasses left behind after I win. Because, you see, I will win. This body is mine, it was given to me especially to use and take care of on this side of heaven. I fully intend from now on, to be a good steward of it. I will not invite any opportunity for you to come back and thrive.

Don’t bother visiting my friends or even my enemies. They don’t deserve your company at all. I am telling everyone about you since you have the media and medical community snowed. I know what you are capable of, many of us do and we will not be silent. I’ve seen you debilitate, mame, confuse, degrade and even kill.

I will not be silent.

I will not be passive anymore.

I will stop feeling sorry for myself that I had to meet you in the first place. No regrets. It’s just time to move on.

You won’t be part of my legacy, you won’t be part of my story. You won’t be part of who I am. I am not LYME.

In the wake of the storm you left, something stronger emerged.

I am a fighter. Hope is alive and well. Knowledge is spreading. Your time is short.

If you bothered to read all this letter, it still ends as it began. Leave and leave now or you will be forced to go. I don’t care what it costs to kick you out, because my future will be FREE of you. Pass it along, tell all your friends, no more free rides here. NO squatters allowed.


Janice Fairbairn – Lyme Warrior and Hope Advocate

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