What’s Low Body Temp Got to Do With It?

frozenthermometerHonestly, it was the last thing I had ever considered – that my body temperature was too low. I only reached for a thermometer when I thought one of the kids were hot, not cold. Once my doctor asked me to track my morning temp 7 days in a row, I was shocked. Low 96’s, Mid 96’s – Hmmm. Grabbed another thermometer. Nope, no different. In fact, I used every thermometer in the house (4) and they all showed the same results.

So what’s this got to do with being sick?

Everything. The Maker created our body temperature to hover around 98.6 F for a reason. Just the same reason why the earth is 92,960,000 miles from the sun – so we don’t freeze and we don’t burn up. It has a purpose.

If the body temperature drops too low, its called hypothermia and you die. But what if it hovers just above the “dead zone” and does so for long periods of time? What happens then?

Well, let’s start with why the body gets a fever in the first place. Why does the temperature of the body go up?

When the immune system of the body detects an offender, it will raise the temperature of the body because pathogens cannot survive in the heat. That’s why any good doctor will tell you to let a “good” fever go and not suppress it. Your body needs the fever to get rid of the virus, bacteria, etc. Let the body do its good work.

So if that’s the body’s natural system for defense, what would the primary offense be if you were a really good little virus? Take out the body’s temperature regulator.

Take the body temperature of any chronically sick person, from cancer, fibromyalgia, to MS and you will find they all have one thing in common – LOW BODY TEMPERATURE.

Disease thrives in a low body temperature environment. Eventually the immune system cannot even throw the body temp up at all. The low temp make the body fluids sluggish and less able to do their normal jobs, let alone fight off the enemy.

Guess which organs show the wear and tear first? Hypothalmus, which does the temp regulating which then affects the Thyroid which is downstream. So those of you out there with Thyroid trouble, better keep digging, there is deeper trouble looming under the surface and your body needs the help to get rid of those mystery pathogens.

Well, I started checking the kids – Yikes! They were in the Mid to Upper 95’s at times and 96’s.

No wonder we all got so sick and felt so bad. We were swimming in ice water.

Now, what do you do if you read this and realize, uh-oh, I’ve got low body temp but I’m not sick yet (or that sick). What should I do?

First idea is to find a qualified physician that understands this and can treat it correctly. My best recommendation or the group that I trust, who healed myself and both my kids at Hansa Center for Optimum Health (www.hansacenter.com).

Next, find an Infared Sauna 0r buy your own regular or portable one. Infared Sauna’s go deeper into tissue than most and will increase the core body temp.  Some cities have places you can rent time in one before buying. If this isn’t an option for you, then try the Biomat. We bought the Biomat mini almost 2 years ago and LOVE IT. I will always lay on my Biomat mini weekly to keep my core body temp up where it belongs – call it maintenance and insurance. http://justlivinglikethis.biomat.com/products/mini-biomat/BiomatMini

Please don’t take this lightly and go sit in a sauna everyday without proper physician care. Raising the body temperature is important and necessary, why? To kill whatever offensive attack in the body is raging on – the pathogen, the bugs.

Killing off mass amounts of bugs of this kind can send the body into a tailspin. A really bad tailspin. You know how when you get the flu and you feel like you got hit by a truck and you sleep all day until its gone? Well, that’s just the die off of a typical influenza bug and your body getting rid of it.

The die off from dangerous pathogens like Lyme, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, West Nile Virus, etc, can cause neurotoxin shut downs all through your systems. Its serious, so be careful.

How can you stay healthy long term after recovery or to keep from creating an environment that disease can thrive in?

Work out, sweat, detox, intake all organic foods, keep sugar and processed food to a minimum, and did I mention work out? A standard workout on a regular basis will raise the core body temperature. So get out there and “just do it”.

Blessings and healing,

Janice Fairbairn

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