Why I’m not Afraid of Ebola

The fear mongering has reached a new epidemic with this “Ebola crisis”. I just don’t get the media and how they triage information. They don’t pick the epdemic that is killing more people each year, in fact they don’t even report on it with fluency or facts. They are looking for the next big scary thing that they can make more terrifying and here it is “ebola”.

I just lived through the worst 3 years of my life for myself and my kids with Lyme disease and its various half a dozen or more coinfections that themselves all have a hefty mortality rate, so no, I’m not going to get my panties in a wad over another virus.

Yes, I understand it can be deadly and its risks and I understand and have compassion on all its victims and their families. But seriously, Lyme is a monster of epic proportions that no one really knows how to fight or where it even came from. In fact, it “popped” on the scene in the 80’s and had never been discoverd or encountered before then at all.

Here’s what I know about the history of Ebola. The measles are 10 times more contagious than Ebola. In third world countries in western Africa, it only has a 70% mortality rate. These are facts. In the last major outbreak of one of the other strains of Ebola, the mortality rate was only 53%. The media and the CDC are lying to you and not reporting the truth. Do your own research, protect yourself and your family ON YOUR OWN.

Why am I not scared of Ebola?

1. As mentioned, I’ve already had my near death experience in this life. So I’m not going to hold to life to tightly, but enjoy and live each day to the fullest and know someone else is in charge and he alone knows the number of my days. (Job 14:5, Psalm 39:4)

2. We eat healthy and live healthy and I know how the immune system works and can “help” the body function in optimum form.

3. I am informed and use common sense. I am not a conspiracy theorist, but also know how to question illogical and irrational behavior when I see it. The government and media or completely out of control on this one. I do my own research and don’t trust the “masses”.

4. The same government that won’t acknowledge Lyme is the same government releasing all the sound bites for the media on Ebola. Did you know that HIV, influenza and the measles are all more contagious than Ebola?

5. The same doctors who told me I wasn’t sick and just needed antidepressents are the same doctors treating Ebola and making recommendations to the CDC. Enough said there.

6. I am prepared. I now live more proactively instead of reactively. I can’t afford to react slowly anymore. Lyme taught me one thing, don’t let anything snowball. I keep a closet stocked of  homeopathics and supplements to meet our needs because we still have to live like that on a daily basis. Our comprimised immunities are constantly being bombarded with toxins and viruses and geo-engineering and geothermal activity that I have to help balance. Keep around what you will need to fight infection, whether its the flu, west nile, a spider bite or Ebola, are you stocked and prepared?

7. I am ready to die. I am not willing today and I still have work to do. But I know where I will spend eternity. Through the darkest nights of Lyme, I came to terms with death because it comes for us all. I cannot chose when or how, just where I get to go next.

Here’s what I’ve learned about our bodies and immune function. Your body is built to fight Lyme and Ebola, it just needs to be working in optimum shape to do so. To boost your immune function, exercise, sweat regularly and eat an organic healthy balanced diet. Stop eating sugar and processed food. Add in fish oil, probiotic and vitamin C & D. Do a shake with extra leafy greens for breakfast. There are people that don’t get the flu every winter and don’t get the vaccine, why is that? Their immune system.

Believe me, I’ve wondered countless times why I didn’t come from healthier stock and had an already compromised immune system, but who knows.. Maybe it weakened by my bad decisions and lifestyle alone. But I do know that weakened immunity will fall victim to Lyme and Ebola every single time. When is the last time you had the flu or a cold, do you get one every “season” or twice a year? Then you are treading water insteading of swimming.

You want to be one of those people that can’t really remember the last time you were sick. That’s the goal. That kind of immune system will defeat any known pathogen every time.

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. (Psalm 90:12)

Blessings and healing,

Janice Fairbairn

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