Bizarro World

Bizarro WorldIf you are a Superman Comic fan then you would well be familiar with a place called Bizarro World where the opposite of things can happen. A place where bad things are good and good things are bad. If you are not a comic officianado, then maybe a few decades ago you heard the term on Seinfeld. Bizarro World on Seinfeld’s TV show is a place where George makes good decisions and everything good happens to him.

What do you think Bizarro World for Lyme would look like?

My ideal Bizarro World would be full of justice. If you took care of your body and were grateful for your health you wouldn’t get sick. If you chewed tobacco and ate beanie weenies every day, then you would be the one getting chronic illness. Turn around would be fair play. No more young mommies with cancer leaving their kids motherless. No more sudden car accidents where great pillars of the community are swept away. The 120 year olds of the world wouldn’t drink a glass an wine and smoke every day, but would be marathoners who earned their way there.

Can you imagine Bizarro World for Lyme where NFL players had green shoes and insurance covered our bills? A world where all doctors were aware of the epidemic and quit hiding behind names of autoimmune diseases and depression drugs and knew how to help us heal? A world where going to the ER in a giant herx, was not a mistake but a place where they could actually arrest the herx and restore your strength?

I’m imagining quite a place and its making my head spin – spin so hard it might pop off my head.

We actually live in Bizarro World right now, a place that doesn’t make any sense at all and certain illnesses are “popular” (because they make some people really wealthy) and some illnesses are swept under the rug. A world where the system is broken and there is pain and suffering everytime we look around.

I long for the next life, to be in heaven where there is “no more pain, and no more tears.” (Revelation 21:4) I long for a place where my children can thrive and be the same as all the other kids. I long for a place where I have no worry and anxiety about medical bills and if I’m doing the right thing by all our health decisions. I long for a place that we can be unimcumbered by health issues or diet or sleep disorders but can run free.

My kids especially like to discuss heaven and all its glory and which animals they are going to ride first. It gives them a hope to look forward to – for us all to look forward to. The struggle in this life is what it is. We were never promised comfort and peace and longevity and health. But we were promised a Savior.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

I’m glad its a Bizarro World where we don’t fit in and aren’t the norm. I don’t want to get too comfortable here, because we have heaven to look forward to. It is the place I belong. It is the place I will fit in and feel normal and have no more tears and no more pain.

I can’t wait.

Blessings and healing,

Janice Fairbairn

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