Minding My Own Business

hard hit footballThere I was minding my own business, healed from Lyme, starting to run again, acheiving my before sick weight again, working, taking kids to school activities, going on field trips and WHAM!

I took a hit from behind.

Isn’t that how it happened to you? You weren’t out looking for trouble were you? Were you a dare devil on the edge of life daring it to throw you down? Were you living a terrible lifestyle and just begging for physical trouble?

It doesn’t seem to work like that. The guy buying chewing tobacco doesn’t have Lyme, the 20 year addict doesn’t have Lyme – but there I was minding my own business and it hit – WHAM!

I am over three years from my ground zero and had made a miraculous and hearty recovery. I wasn’t looking back, I wasn’t regressing, I was onward and upward. We were organic, gluten free, soy free and living healthy in our home.

Then came two weeks ago….my family doctor said it was a simple lipoma (fat deposit) that could be cut out at the office. A procedure, a surgery, two ER visits, 4 days in the hospital, and 3 allergic reactions to pain medication later and I was knocked on my tail. A “simple” lipoma connected to an umbilical hernia with a tear in the fascia and internal bleeding. So, just a few extra days to recover right? Not so in my “what I thought was a stronger body”. My body rejected the pain meds, rebelled against the trauma and one of my previous “critters” went wild again.

To add insult to injury – literally – I was covered in ammonia and histamine toxicity. Talk about a late hit out of the blue – I got knocked down hard.

After you have climbed out of a pit as deep as Lyme, where I was a non-functional person and started to live again, there is nothing more terrifying than to be taken from the mountain to the valley in 2 seconds flat. Lyme has no justice system, there is no rationale, no fairness, no warning. It does not give mercy or wait for the perfect timing or skip over the previous afflicted. It is not like lightening that won’t strike the same place twice. It can do what it pleases.

But wait, life doesn’t either. This world isn’t fair. Death and disease don’t follow any rules at all.

I don’t know if anyone else has experienced a relapse or a regression for any reason, but I know I’m not the only one.

The damage done to a body through Lyme is permanent and etched in the very fiber of our being. It only took one trauma to bring it back. One little trauma that exploded into a big trauma that exploded into more.

Maybe your Lyme exploded again after an emotional trauma, like a loss of a job, or a death in the family. Maybe your Lyme exploded again after a change in protocols or doctors or a car accident.

It is not easier the second time around. In fact, I could honestly say I felt even more discouraged than the first. I thought it was behind me, I thought I was ahead of it and it wouldn’t and couldn’t catch me again. Yes, part of me was wise enough to know how to beat it back and how to recover. I know the right doctors and the right protocols that work.

In fact, my brilliant doctors did just that – peeled me off the floor after the hospital fiasco and put me back on my feet in a matter of days (Hansa Center for Optimum Health). For that I’m thankful and grateful and my heart overflows.

But the stark reminder that it is lurking, it is waiting for an opening, it is waiting for a weakness in order to relaunch an attack – scares me and fills me with a fear that takes my breath away. I don’t want to live like that. I want to keep on like I was oblivious to the fact that a regression could happen to me or the kids. That it happens to other people, you know the ones who eat Ding Dongs and play video games all day.

I thought that I served my time and it woudn’t or couldn’t come back.

It reminds me of what Peter warned us about- our enemy prowls around and stalks us just waiting for the chance to pounce. This Lyme is our enemy and that enemy, the devil, will use it at all costs to finish devouring us from the inside out.

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. (1Peter 5:8)
Am I on alert like I should? Am I prepared to be hit from behind? Am I minding my own business becoming naive that it can and will happen again? The enemy will attack me emotionally, spiritually, and physically. It will come. Am I prepared for the next hit? Will it knock me down and for how long?
How to live for today and really live it without looking over my shoulder now and again is going to be the new challenge. I will live with wisdom but with my eyes forward not back. I will not be naive, but will bravely continue to trust in the Lord who marks each day for me.
I will not slack off or take for granted each good day – they are priceless and a treasure.

I will not stop praying that this Lyme will have no more power over this house and I will not stop praying for you also. That we will all stand on the mountain top side by side free of the hindrance and agony of Lyme.

Blessings and healing,

Janice Fairbairn

softcover book – http://www.amazon.com/author/janicefairbairn
eBook – http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/JustLivingLikeThisWithLyme
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