Mary – The Ultimate Warrior Mommy

The_Nativity_StoryAs the annual tradition goes in our home, we snuggled up to watch “The Nativity” movie on Christmas Eve. As I sat there watching this year, I was overcome with Mary being the first warrior mommy, the grandmother to us all, showing us the way to parent and trust and how to navigate the odd, the overwhelming and the unique.

I realized how much I want to be like her. How much I need to be like her in order to help my kids succeed and be what God intended them to be.

I realized how much I am a work in progress and am no where close yet.

Mary had such a pure faith. God recognized it, so it must have been incredibly outstanding. Her actions were a reflection of the purity of her heart. How often are my actions out of my mind or my gut sin nature?

Scripture is very clear that Mary accepted the task set before her without question, without defiance, without doubt. She simply asked how it would occur. She said yes unequivocally.  She said yes right away without having to think about it or sleep on it. She said yes. How often do I doubt and question the road I’ve been put on and the challenges I face in parenting the un-normal?

Somehow I think I’ve got it hard to have to cook gluten free preservative free and how different that feels. Mary faced complete and utter social ridicule and a possible stoning. They lived life in ridicule without friends and with stares and whispers everywhere they went. How dare I act like our being different is really that hard?

Mary was loyal to the bone. Once she was told to marry Joseph, she was loyal to him. She trusted him. She went with him. She obeyed. Well, we don’t have to really dissect that one much because in our culture, this kind of spousal loyalty is unheard of. Its rare. Its relationship is so unique that we think we don’t have to do it anymore. How different would our culture and society be if we all approached marriage with this kind of unwavering loyalty toward one another?

Mary was brave. Mary was the bravest of brave. Not just the marriage, not just the donkey ride, not just the birth in a stable with a rookie “midwife”, not just the ridicule but to raise a perfect son and watch him crucified on the cross. Her courage was relentless. All the other followers ran and scattered except for John. All the other followers went into hiding besides Mary Magdalene. John and Mary M, flanked Mary at the cross. She watched her son tortured and die. She was his mother after all. She would have walked, carried that cross and taken the beating for him. I know she would have. But she could not force the substitution, so because she couldn’t take the pain, she had to watch it. She had to be there so he could see the comfort in her eyes. She would not leave his side.

This is the ultimate quality I need to possess for my kids. When my children fight this mysterious illness or the after affects of its destruction. When they face ridicule in this world. I want to be right there looking them in the eye.

The look that says “I would take this if I could, I am so sorry it is your burden to bear, but I will be with you every step of the way. You are not alone, you are strong, it is for a purpose and good will come”. No matter how tough the suffering, the emotional explosion, I want to be their rock. I want them to know I can be a rock because God is my rock. I want to give them comfort in spite of what they face. Oh, I want to be brave to teach them bravery.

Mary parented against all odds, loved well and was faithful to the end. She was generous and shared her son with the world – Jesus was for us all. Mary never doubted his gift, never doubted his purpose, she just missed him I’m sure. Her belief was unwavering. She was a fortress, a mighty tower.

Let this be a message for you like it is for me. There is no greater privilege than to be a parent, to be a mother. I am honored God is allowing me to raise two beautiful children. I am blessed to have Mary’s example and the example of many Godly women to follow in my midst.

The next time my heart wants to complain or have a pity party for my burden, I must remember Mary and be brave and pure of heart.

A final Merry Christmas……

Blessings and healing,
Janice Fairbairn – The Lyme Evangelist

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