Avril Lavigne – and what you should REALLY know about LYME disease!

avril-lavigne-01-435I don’t know Avril Lavigne, just like I didn’t know Yolanda Foster until LYME. Now they know what I know and felt what I felt and feel what I feel. Now they are sisters in this illness and suffering.

Its not just that she is famous. I have said it a million times – I wouldn’t wish this disease on my worst enemy. It is terrible and horrific and HARD. I hate that anyone else has to suffer through it ever.

I am sorry Avril. You are one and I am one of over 300,000 cases of Lyme. But the thing is, there are many more than that even. Lyme mimics so many other illnesses and it manifest so differently for all of us that it is difficult to imagine how many of us are really out there.

We are lucky Avril because we know it now. It has a name. Lyme disease can be treated. The road is difficult and treacherous and filled with entanglements, but once it has a name, it can’t hide. Those of us who know are the lucky ones, fighting a beast of a disease, but knowing what it is nonetheless. Its those people who are unable to get a diagnosis or even get a doctor’s attention that are really suffering.

There is a deniability from the media and typical doctors and a lack of true knowledge of Lyme that NEEDS TO BE HEARD.

But have you ever felt like you were talking to a brick wall? Ever known that what you were saying to your teenager or your spouse or your boss was just getting “uh-huh-ed” and they were not listening to a single thing you say?

I mean the media just loves the suffering or overcoming famous person story, which is great and uplifting. But then I came across an article from People Magazine with the three things you need to know about Lyme. Please do not read this if you need more information, the link is only here for context because it is full of hot air and worthless.- http://www.people.com/article/lyme-disease-what-to-know-avril-lavigne

Ugh, double Ugh. If you know me at all or have read my blogs, you know this gets me fired up big time. (I am now pulling out my soapbox to climb up on it) UGH, this is just like when Katie Courick did a story on her show about Lyme, or when the articles started pouring in when Yolanda came forward.

Media – hear me and listen good. YOU ARE NOT HELPING. Yes, tell their stories when they want to share – thank you for that. But your “try to find an expert and help people learn about LYME” is crazy and you are perpetuating the cycle of misinformation. STOP and really research and really listen and really help. Do it right for once. Stop being a mouthpiece for someone else who is trying to keep us all in the dark.

Here is my debunk and a true brief education about Lyme.

1. There doesn’t have to be a bullseye rash for you to have contracted LYME.

2. You can contract LYME from the womb, through intercourse, from mosquitoes and ticks.

3. You may or may not get sick right away after contracting LYME. It can be dormant for years or your symptoms can build slowly over time.

4. LYME disease is not a singular ailment. Usually other co-infections come with it and can include Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, West Nile Virus, parasites, ehrlichia, mycoplasma, mycotoxins and much more. They commonly go undiagnosed.

5. Symptoms vary with each individual person infected based on your own body’s weaknesses and predispositions and what coinfections come with LYME.

6. LYME disease cannot be “cured” with 3 weeks of antibiotics.

7. LYME disease can be treated with many other things besides antibiotics. They only work for some people some of the time.

8. LYME disease can and is deadly.

9. Insurance is not even covering “typical” LYME treatments because the disease and the treatments are so “new” that there is no set standard to compare it to. Most people are paying out of pocket to get well.

10. Doctors are not educated or trained to find LYME or treat it. Most doctors are not aware and are not receptive to LYME disease to direct you to proper treatment.

11. Most autoimmune diseases can be rooted in LYME, or actually be LYME (Chronic Fatique, MS, ALS, Parkinsons, Menieres, Sjogrens, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Krohns, any Thyroid disorder, Diabetes, Depression, Autism and more)

12. Less than 50% of those with LYME get a positive back on a blood test, but still have LYME.

13. Most people with LYME disease have very low body temperatures.

14. LYME symptoms can be physical, neurological, emotional and even spiritual.

15. LYME disease can be found in all 50 states and in any country around the world. It is not specific to gender or race or background and upbringing.

This is the kind of information I would like to see mainstream media run with. I would fall over in my chair if I saw a 60 minute segment with real truth like this. Let’s blow the lid off this thing and use social media to tell the true story and really help people put a stop to LYME disease.

For more good information please see:









Blessings and healing,

Janice Fairbairn (The Lyme Evangelist)

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