How full is your cup?

Eternal question: is the glass half-full or half-empty?

All of a sudden you are reacting to foods or external allergens more sensitively than you ever have. You used to be able to eat eggs, you used to be able to eat broccoli, you used to be able to pet the cat, why can’t you now?

Imagine that all the energy your immune system has is represented by the empty space in cup. If you cup is completely empty, then your body has enough energy to digest, menstruate, fight infection, detoxify, exercise, handle stress, grow, heal, etc. An empty cup represents a fully functional person.

But what if you begin to fill that empty space with things like mold toxicity, a viral infection, parasites, a new job, divorce, twins, loss, or chronic infection or disease? All of sudden, there is less empty space in the cup, less energy for your body to handle these issues. So the body will fight the infection but not be able to deal with the mold toxicity. The body will handle the twins but begin to have trouble with digestion. Something will have to give.

This is the beginning of the slippery slope. If the cup remains partly full then the body never fully copes with all the stressors affecting it. If the cup is never emptied again, then certain functionality of the body will get put aside. Then the problems snowball. Let’s take the digestion for instance. If your body doesn’t produce the proper amount of enzymes to digest food, then you won’t get the right amount of nourishment from your food and thus less energy. Then less energy means more systems won’t get all they need to thrive and the cup gets more and more full with toxins, waste, and much more.

Your cup becomes nearly full of problems and things not working, but until if overflows you might not have enough symptoms to know how much hasn’t been working. You’ve been ignoring the quiet growing symptoms that don’t seem bad enough to do anything about. That’s what I did. I was too busy to deal with my cup that was getting full. I was ignoring the issues of poor sleep, lack of energy, bouts of anger, digestion issues, hormone problems – none of them individually seemed enough to take the time to do something.

Consequently, your cup will then overflow over every little thing because the cup stays too full and never gets empty enough to become functional again. The body cannot recover with a cup full on its own. It needs support. Support in the form of supplements, good diet, homeopathics, massage, and detoxification therapies.

So, are you having these types of symptoms that are increasing in severity or frequency? Is your doctor telling you sometimes that happens as you grow older? Nope. Your cup is too full.

What can you do?

For starters, listen to your body and figure out your internal and external stressors. Can you eliminate any of them? Try to empty your own cup even a bit and see what your body begins to handle.

Next, find a good natural doctor and do a detoxification plan. You can do fasting, juice fasting, detox diets, supplements, sauna, etc., but don’t do it alone. If your detox pathways are clogged up, then doing a detox regiment could make things worse. If the hallways aren’t clean, then you can’t move anything out of the house.

Do not add anything to your cup. Eat natural and organic and stay away from sugars and refined food. Your body does not need any more junk in its trunk. Don’t take on a marathon, don’t start a new business, don’t put your house up for sale, don’t get new puppies.

Pay attention to your body’s signals and cues. When did it start to change? After a new job, a new house, or new furniture?

Is that from stress or environmental toxicity?

Lastly, it wouldn’t hurt anything to get your house tested for mold. Make sure you are not ingesting or inhaling any unnecessary toxicity.  A new mattress or furniture can be filled with toxic chemicals, formaldehyde, and flame retardants. It could be enough to fill anyone’s cup too full.

Blessings and healing,

Janice Fairbairn – The Lyme Evangelist

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