Where is your focus? (A Facebook Wordcloud psychological experiment)

FB words Most used 2015A few weeks ago on Facebook, there was a mad dash for everyone in my feed to do this “Most common words used in 2015 on FB” app. So word clouds filled my feed to annoyance (kind of not really), it was really more a a distraction that had my full attention. I chased down the rabbit trail of each one because visual graphics of word studies involving chronic illness or a survey of what captivates our thoughts each day is RIVETING to me. So I blame you all for having me study each one of your word clouds and  actually click on the app and do my own. I vowed to not post in on my feed so as not to distract anyone else but the word cloud was so fascinating that I couldn’t keep it private.

The entire exercise took place before Thanksgiving so I almost forgot all about it. But it had me thinking about what a raw and real true look at what took my time last year. What did I talk about, post about, read about, live about in social media – right out there front and center where the world could see. Was it true, was it raw, was it real, was it me? Was I portraying a false sense of me and life (as social media can do to us)? Or was I putting it out there? What was important to me? How was I living? What benchmarks can I look back on?

I have some goals for my word cloud next year. The word laugh or hysterical or LOL must be bigger. The word healing need to be prominent, because no matter what battle I have fought and work to help others fight – I have won. So lets make sure I say that more often and with emphasis. Hope needs to be there loud and proud in the center because life without HOPE is dead and non-existent. Hope is what sustained me and saw me through the dark pits. And for the love of Pete – the word chickens will still make the cloud but maybe with a better adjective like dancing chickens?

If my word cloud could be 3-D it would have music playing loudly. I love to play praise music and oldies and Broadway and Salsa and anything that makes me happy and makes me want to dance. If my word cloud could smell it would smell of freshly baked pie and a hot gluten free pizza (with my favorite essential oils diffusing in the room).

What do you want your word cloud to say about you next year. Take life in stride but be intentional about your thoughts and actions, they dictate your brain health.

Merry Christmas.

Blessings and healing,

Janice Fairbairn – The Lyme Evangelist

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