Where Has Medical Common Sense Gone? My UNLEASHED Rant

Wah Wah PeanutsYou’ve got to help me here, because I feel like I’m on an episode of Charlie Brown and every one around me sounds like the teacher “Wah, wah, wah. Wah, wah, wah, wah”.

(Begin Rant) For Lyme Disease Awareness Month, I’m going to come unglued today after talking with one of my Lyme warrior moms about her predicament of the last few weeks.

This Lyme warrior mom friend of mine has had a terrible few weeks. She was sent home from two separate ERs at two separate hospitals in full convulsions, going in and out of consciousness, with fading pulse, low blood pressure, fainting, etc. Now, get this. Why did they send her away, you might ask? Wait for it.

They told her it was the stress of having too many kids and homeschooling.

WHAT the $%%%$ is happening people?

Yes, I’m a mom and it is stressful sometimes. In fact downright difficult. Yes, I’m sure homeschooling is hard too. Yes, I’m sure the fact that my friend has many children is more challenging than my life with only two. But since when does the stress of motherhood cause strokes or convulsions or paralysis?

But after a few tests and a few hours in the ER, our first educated medical guess is motherhood? Convulsions, strokes, the whole right side of her body numb from motherhood and homeschooling?

Right, you say, but a qualified neurologist wouldn’t do that, it was the lack of experience in the ER. Really, then why did her neurologist weeks before she began convulsing but had numbness and paralysis on the right side….why was he the first important highly intelligent doctor to laugh when she told him how many kids she had and say it was stress, but he would order an EEG just in case.

Stressful jobs and stressful seasons cause weightloss, weight gain, headaches, insomnia, exhaustion, anger, mood swings, etc.

Sure, long term intense intentional stress can cause heart attacks and many other symptoms if its goes unchecked. But there are certainly situations in life that are not intentional stress and that we can’t avoid. Our bodies adapt. Like caring for special needs kids. Like caring for ailing parents. Like single moms with kids living paycheck to paycheck. Like living with handicaps or soldiers who go off to war.

Since the beginning of time, people have endured stress. Stress is part of living. The high stakes game of chance living here on earth. Tornadoes, hurricanes, flash floods, attacking tribes, famine, etc. These things have all existed. Are we just getting soft? So if we are in a season of 4 kids under the age of 5, you should put me on medication to survive?

Do you think doctor’s can hear themselves talk, let alone think?

Seriously, I know some quality doctors, but the vast majority of you have no credibility with me anymore at all.

I was turned away from the ER twice under 85 pounds in full body tremors with incredible pain and told to take an Ambien to sleep, call my doctor to get on antidepressants (not the only doctor who told me this) and to just eat something.

Eleven doctors tested and tried and poked and prodded and gave me a normal bill of health. I was under 85 lbs. Are you kidding me? I know in my heart of hearts that I would have been dead within months if not weeks, if God had not intervened and gotten me to the Lyme clinic.

I met a mom who took her daughter to 42 doctors in California. Forty TWO!! Are you freaking kidding me?

I know it takes a lot of hard work and discipline to make it through medical school, so where has all the intelligence gone? Where is the common sense in medicine?

I asked a PA who called me to follow up on some tests a doctor had run on me while I was still undiagnosed and swimming in the 11 doctors who denied me help. She said maybe we should test your gall bladder. I asked her if my gall bladder could also cause vision loss, numbness in my limbs, extreme chest pain, throbbing in my temples, dry mouth and the other 12 or more symptoms I had that happened simultaneously. She said no, trouble with the gall bladder could not cause that to happen. I asked her then to chase only things that could cause all my symptoms, because they came on all together and happened in concert. She responded that the MRI of my brain showed no tumors and the only other thing that could maybe cause everything I described was my Vagus nerve, and she didn’t know how to test for that since my CT scan was clear. So, she said nothing else could cause all my symptoms. Nothing.

Really? Nothing? How is it possible that doctors do not understand the complexity of the nervous system and what pathogens can do to the body systems?

I know regular accountants, day care workers, stay at home moms, vocalists, and teachers (the list goes on) that could run circles around most of these doctors with their now complex understanding of the body and pathogenic activity.


Can these doctors even hear themselves speak that out loud? Are they too proud to say, I have no idea what is going on, but I won’t stop until I find something?

What ever happened to finding the solution to the problem?

I am just sick about this growing epidemic, and I’m not talking about Lyme disease, I’m talking about rampant indecency. I’m talking about gross negligence. I’m talking about doltishness, stupidity and lunacy.

To all my friends that are doctors, well educated and thoughtful and kind. I might love you but you need to get a clue, people are suffering and dying and you just sent them out the door without help. Your colleagues are ignoring the voice of truth from the patient.

Can you live with that?

Blessings and healing,
Janice Fairbairn – The Lyme Evangelist

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