I was just listening to a random radio DJ the other morning speak about a talk he had recently with his son. He was telling his son that “fear is a choice, but danger is real.”
Wow, that resonated all day long with me. Fear was a huge part of my battle with Lyme and keeping my head in teh game so I could get well. Fear freezes, it compels, it shatters, it overwhelms, fear cripples the mind which enables the physical body to get stuck. What an enigma.
Fear is a choice, but Lyme is real.
Fear is a choice, but your finances are real.
Fear is a choice, but your marriage is real.
Fear is a choice, but your job is real.
Fear is a choice, but your health is real.
Fear is a choice, but eternity is emminate for us all.
I highly recommend you read Max Lucado’s book Fearless, if this is a place you get stuck. I read through it 3 times during my trial with Lyme. Over and over again I have to be reminded why we should not fear.
Fear is only beneficial to create fight or flight in the face of imminent danger, like a house fire, a snarling lion, a robber, a kidnapper, or a bully on the playground.
Fear is not to be held onto and marinated in for days or years. The body is not built to be in a constant state of “red-lined” emergency status. The adrenals will crash (which they do for most in chronic illness).
Beth Moore said one time concerning her biggest fear – “what if” if all the way to the end. Take your biggest fear- fear of death, fear of dying, fear of the disease never letting you die, fear of leaving your family, fear of losing your child – take it all the way to the end. Then what? There you will be and so will your Creator be.
Healing is a choice, but Lyme is real.
Healing is a choice, but pain is real.
Healing is a choice, but money is real.
Healing is a choice, but losing friends is real.
Blessings and healing,
Janice Fairbairn – The Lyme Evangelist
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