Are you Wearing a Helmet (after Lyme)?

motorcycle-rider-accidentI don’t want to get into the nuts and bolts of the helmet argument here, but let’s just say that I believe that it increases your opportunity for survival. It ups the chances of success if something happens. Its an extra insurance clause that give you more cushion – its a “just-in-case” plan.

We all have to have one. We all should be operating with the “I’m not going to live forever” thought process. We are all mortal and should appreciate our health. But we usually end of appreciating it after it is gone.

As I was driving the other day, I thought, what does a helmet plan look like in life after Lyme?

If you have gotten into this battle with Lyme like the rest of us, running through life with your head in the sand and forgetting to be grateful for health until its gone. Then how do you resurface? Were you riding your motorcycle of life without a helmet? Were you operating without an insurance policy for the “just in case”? Were you driving through life willy nilly without your seat belt?

So, how can you not do that again. Here I am living life after recovering from Lyme. How do I do that? How do I live life to the fullest again, but put on my helmet so I do not crash and burn so badly again.

My body is still mortal. It will still age and fail and have weakness and I know that I will die someday. My flesh will fail. Something can still attack and take over and I can create the circumstances that set that all into motion, like I did the first time. I can get too busy at work, at home, eat poorly, not sleep properly, and not protect myself from other outside stressors.

So, after the fact, when you are on the road to recovery, take some time to reflect. You might never figure out why you got Lyme or from where. Don’t make yourself crazy over the ground zero, just reflect on the life circumstances and surrounding trials that could have contributed.

Did you find mold in the house? Did you just change jobs? Did you just get married? Did you just move?

Where in your life now, after the Lyme, can you operate more safely? Where can you wear a helmet?

We wear a helmet in regard to our home environment. We moved and had an extra mold inspection so we didn’t fall into the same trap of a toxic house again. We wear a helmet in regard to what we eat. We have our own chickens and eat farm fresh eggs, produce and meat. We have been and will remain gluten free – no matter how strong we get. I don’t think eating modern day wheat or anything GMO is worth the risk. I have to be careful how much I allow on my calendar and the kids schedules or I can get overloaded. I have to sleep better. I pray and read regularly.

These are just a few of the boundaries that my family has now. We operate with a different helmet than you will. Each should be individually unique to your weakness and what you need to stay strong.

But it takes thought and a concerted change in life and lifestyle to not end up back there again. Let the battle change you for the better. Let the course correction stay that way in order to remain strong and handle the next health crisis better and more prepared.

Blessings and healing,

Janice Fairbairn – The Lyme Evangelist

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