My Blog

I could quote science after psychology study and report showing how our thoughts effect our actions and physical self. But I don’t want to bore you with statistics and facts. I just want to speak truth. Your thoughts affect everything. Your thoughts affect the friends you choose, the boy/girlfriend you […]

Stop Thinking Sick

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We are in unchartered territory people. At the creation of social media, I don’t think anyone realized the widespread variety of uses that would come out of it. Its original intention to feed our insatiable desire to see what everyone else is doing and pretend we have the most desired […]

The New Facebook Frontier

From my office building two blocks to the north of the World Trade Center, we had a unique vantage point. There was something distinct we saw from the roof that you can’t generally see from the video footage. After the first plane hit the North Tower, we ran upstairs to […]

My White Flag of Surrender