The Boomerang

0_A_boomerangI have tried to leave Kansas 4 times. I came here against my will – crying the entire 23 hour drive from Atlanta some 17 odd years ago. I got as far as New York once for 9 months before returning once again. I call it the boomerang affect.

At work in the artroom of a company years ago, when projects would come back with something wrong, we would dub it a boomerang job. We knew once one thing would go wrong, it was destined to keep returning – forever branded as a boomerang job and it would keep coming back again and again.

It became a predictable trend. So did my trying to leave Kansas. Just as soon as my plans even remotely looked bright to leave the state, something would keep me firmly planted right here. Recently, we actually bought a company in  another state and put our house on the market and then I got Lyme. The boomerang, in all its hilarity by now, is a predictable as the wind in Kansas.

There is a famous phrase “we are to bloom where we are planted”. Well, that is what I have tried to do in Kansas – it is apparently where God wants me to be. Don’t get me wrong, I still find myself longing to live in a place with rolling hills and less wind and allergies, but I cannot fight the will of God and succeed.

He planted me in Lyme, just like he planted me in Kansas. And there is no more evidence of a boomerang than in Lyme itself. Just when you think you are up, you are back down. Getting tossed by the waves of Lyme and the body’s recovery system like being on a Tilt-o-World at the county fair.

All three of us (the kids and I) have a babesia flare up this week – why? Urgh, I have no idea, the full moon, stress, immune weakness? Guess what – it didn’t take us down and we are still functioning. Praise the Lord.

Hold on to the good days when you have then and live them to the fullest you can – they will be back again. There will be ups an downs and the blasted Lyme will come back like a boomerang. Pick it up and throw it again and live – bloom where you are planted.

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I pray over you all (Psalm 1: 3)

That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—
whatever they do prospers.

God bless you on your journey to heal and conquer this thing.