Happy Friday Good Doctor(s) …

Dear Doctor,

On this fair Friday, I find myself overflowing with thankfulness for you. Do you have any idea how rare you are?

Do you know that most doctors I met on my chronic Lyme journey just wanted to medicate my emotions and igore my health? I’ll bet they didn’t lose one wink of sleep over passing me by and not investing in a path to healing for myself or my kids.

You have integrity and a compassion for your work that is “more precious than jewels” and unique to outside the box doctors like yourself.

Thank you that you never condescended my symptoms or emotions. Thank you for listening, really listening and using my feedback to understand and help chart what was going on.

Thank you for not stopping until problems were solved, healed and gone. Thank you for not brushing me under the rug or placating me with statistics. Thank you for not medicating me to the point that the symptoms abated but the disease raged on silently. Thank you for taking on the challenge of my health and fighting for it with me.

Thank you for tolerating my forgetfulness and constant questions and the rapid fire stories that my kids just have to tell you each visit. Thank you for embracing kids with joy and not with annoyance, because believe me, I know sometimes its been annoying. Thank you for doing your job well despite the distractions. Thank you for always having stickers in your drawer for my kids and for making them laugh and never complaining about the crumbs we often leave behind.

Thank you for the on call doctor appointments when I was in crisis. Thank you for always responding to my emails and questions.

Thank you that you don’t find it a sign of weakness to not know everything and have to research. Thank you for doing the research. Thank you for having the perserverance to overcome obstacles in my healing journey and not giving up on me.

Thank you for caring and having compassion for how hard this road is at times. I can tell you understand and sympathize. Thank you that when I cried you offered kleenix instead of antidepressants.

Thank you for getting up each day and doing what you do for myself, my family and so many others. I am blessed by the work of your hands, your heart and your mind. May God continue to use you mightily and grant you with favor and wisdom to fight for healing in all who enter your office.


P.S. I actually had three amazing doctors who have been an intregal team of healing for my family. They are all part of the family of doctors at Hansa Center for Optimum Health. I also have recently been blown away by a traditional doctor who has restored my faith that compasionate, caring, and wise MDs exist. I pray for each of you that your doctor or team of doctors are this wonderful and will impress you away with their abilities and kindness on your path to healing.

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