Thank you Glenn Beck,

Glenn-Beck-reveals-illness-screen-cap-800x430I cried with your tears. I see the fear you have grappled with and still fight to subdue written on your face. I have seen it because my own reflection has shown me the same.

The answers to your mysteries were hard to find and still left you wanting more because the answers were seemingly incomplete.

It is in our weakness that His strength is made perfect.

I am part of the Lyme army in this country – the silent, unacknowledged army of people who are dismissed, ignored, undiagnosed, and left to cash pay. We are growing in number and in voice.

Most of us have adrenal fatigue/insufficiency, low thyroid, low body temperature and unexplained symptoms that make no sense. Many of us were dismissed by traditional medicine as needing “anti-depressants” or making symptoms up.

I couldn’t drive for 18 months because of a weird eye deal, I also had foot and hand issues that would make it feel like I was walking on hot coals and when I laid down at night it felt like I was laying my head on a hot skillet. And brain fog – don’t even get me started about how thick the brain fog was. I could fill this blog with the remainder 30 some odd symptoms that made up the chronic Lyme…..

Lyme and its co-infections are dangerous. They can be deadly. They are overwhelming, they are masked by “autoimmune” disorders left and right. The medical community likes labels and pills, but don’t like root causes. They won’t name what they don’t understand.

Any of us that are recovering and beginning to function, can all attribute our healing to “cowboys” just like yours that are operating outside the realm of typical understanding. Any of us in that group are all cash pay. There is no where to go to find people actually having success against the mysteries of chronic neurological Lyme without going to a “cowboy” doctor or facility.

My cowboys are at Hansa Center for Optimum Health – they take in unexplained mysteries that no one else can solve, which has ended up being mostly Lyme patients.

My family still cannot comprehend how I got well and why we chose the road we did because of the tremendous expense.

I am thrilled that you found a place to help you get back on track. I’m not sure what the root cause of your explosion was, but I do suspect Lyme or one of its coinfections. Lyme is stealthy and doesn’t like to be found, it isn’t easily recognizable. Lyme has many friends – co-infections – that it likes to bring along. It does not party alone.

It is very difficult to find. Fortunately, when the body is optimized and made strong (the way God created it to be), then the body can put the Lyme in remission and keep it in check.

You and your family have suffered and I have felt your pain. Not only do I suffer from Lyme and the aftermath of recovery, but I passed it unknowingly on to both my kids, so we have triple the cash expense.

Lyme is not permanant. It is not a death sentence. It can be beat. It can be beat naturally – God’s way.

Know you and your family are in my prayers, just like all the strangers and friends I encounter that fill my prayers.

I pray for hope.

I pray for recognition, I pray for knowledge, I pray for resources and insurance and the ability for people to receive treatment like we both have been able to.

Thank you for speaking out and vunerably sharing your journey. There are so many unreached people suffering as both of us did and need to hear there are places to find “normalcy” again. There are “cowboys” that know how to fix mysteries and heal.

Don’t listen to the contradictory media articles and the doctors saying you really weren’t sick. UGH, there is nothing more frustrating than to have doctors tell you to your face that your symptoms aren’t real and you are just “stressed” or “depressed”. Stick with it and hold your ground, you are not alone. I stand with you and so do many others.

May God richly bless your continued healing.

Janice Fairbairn

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