Steps to Getting Empowered in your Health

There is nothing more exhilerating after years battling health and getting no answers than feeling personally empowered to succeed.

I used to feel so helpless. Our family was “duct-taped” together with a myriad of health issues that had no names, just a quagmire of stuff that kept us “messy”. I was overwhelmed and gaining knowledge and trying to do the right things but they just were keeping us functioning – they were not healing us and moving us forward.

Do you feel like the diagnosis you got from the doctor is permanent and you have to take that pill for the rest of your life?

You don’t have to. Real medicine is fixing the root cause of your problem so you can not take the pill, so you can heal your body to be strong and function and do what it is supposed to.

Even though we are not perfectly healed yet in our household, we are on a road to getting there. We are not masking symptoms with drugs or treatments. We are strengthening the body and detoxing the body and getting the body to a place where it can thrive. I get tired and I get frustrated, but we are no longer “duct-taped” together, we are no longer losing the battle.

We are no longer walking around egg-shells around here. We are dancing all over them!!

We have been in a tail spin this year over a parasite but I am empowered to heal. I will absorb knowledge like a sponge and keep trying until we get there.

Being empowered takes work. It takes effort and it takes believing that it is possible.

It is possible. Healing can take place.

Get empowered in regard to your health. Get real answers. How do you start?

1. Find a doctor who wants you to feel better without the permanance of drugs. Find a doctor who listens and cares and gets to the bottom of it. You might have to ask around and do research and interview doctors to find one that follows a philosophy that you are looking for, but they do exist.

2. Do the research. Any doctor who tells you not to google your illness, is a doctor I would NEVER go see for healing. A good doctor knows that online research is paramount in understanding your illness and all the treatments available. Don’t go to WebMD for answers, search the fringe of the web and find alternative treatments, and doctors having success.

3. Be your own advocate. This is the most important. Your family doctor is not losing sleep over your health, but you might be. Take charge. Get on the horn. Stand tall. No one is going to fight for your health or your kid’s health more than you, so do it. No excuses. I felt awful too and could hardly put two thoughts together, but God gave the the strength, knowledge and courage to take charge and manage my own healing plan and both of my kids at the same time with severe brain fog and no ability to drive.

4. Get off the traditional bandwagon. Traditional medicine has a purpose and if I break my arm, get in a car wreck or need surgery, I will know exactly where to go. Traditional medicine is not healing, it is masking. Get over yourself and see a “different” kind of doctor. Go find an accupuncturist, a chiropractor, a nutritionist, a naturopath, a counselor, or somebody who doesn’t take insurance. There are untapped resources available and options that exist that are not mainstream but having HUGE success in healing.

5. Try something new. Even after our healing had begun and we were on the right track, there were still pieces missing from our healing journey, so I kept looking and found essential oils and other forms of natural treatment I could do on my own. There is a grassroots network that exists in every community of “natural” thinkers that are usually moms. Find it and ask them questions. Change your diet. Get off sugar and fast food. Do something different. Take a multivitamin, drink more water, get a massage. The choices are endless.

6. Reach out. Get involved in a Facebook group or chatroom with people trying to heal just like you. Ask them questions, read articles they post and pay attention. People are willing to help each other succeed.

7. Trust your gut. You have the innate ability to know if you are getting better or not or getting screwed over…..or not. If you are frustrated then, get more answers. Don’t listen to the masses around you, trust yourself and do what your gut is telling you to do.

CoverSurvivingLymeBelieve me, it is not for the faint of heart, but once you get empowered, you will never go back. I have the tools and knowledge to unravel so many things that happen in my house in regard to our health. I know what is happening inside the body so much better as it heals, so I can then address what the body needs to keep pushing through.

I don’t know what your chronic illness is that your are fighting, but ours was Lyme disease and its various co-infections. Many of the ways we used to heal will work for autoimmune disorders and other chronic illnesses. If you need some ideas, please check out the book I wrote called Surviving Lyme. It is a short book containing a myriad of the tools we used and still use for healing in our home.

There is a free exerpt of the book here.

Don’t stop trying and get on board with empowerment, you will not regret it.

Blessings and healing,
Janice Fairbairn

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