Lyme and the Wise Men

wise-men-giftsAt a children’s program recently, the speaker’s topic was the Wise Men and so it’s made me think more about them this Christmas season and notice images of them every where I go. I began to think about how much our journey through this Lyme disease relates to the Magi’s journey. (Matthew 2)

1. Their journey was long and treacherous. The Magi traveled from the east is all the bible tells us. Scholars suppose it took them months or years to make the journey to see the Christ child. They needed perseverance to set out on a long journey like this. They needed guts, gumption and the mental capacity to finish what they started. Healing from Lyme disease is not a sprint, it is a marathon. One that can take years to complete.

2. The Magi stayed focused on the star to guide them. Without a beacon to focus on they would have wandered aimlessly and never made it to their destination. To truly heal, you must know what you are fighting for. You must feel the desire to live and to fulfill a purpose. Focus on something to guide you through to the end. Use God as the steadfast beacon that will never change and helps to guide you when you feel lost.

3. They were risk takers. Their trip had no guarantees. Their journey had no promises of reward. They took the risk anyway. They knew the journey would be long and hard and dangerous and they did it anyway. You can’t truly heal from Lyme without embracing risk. The treatments and protocols out there are new everyday and completely not mainstream. Your family and friends might not embrace them with you. You might get judged and criticized and left behind by loved ones. The risk is still worth taking. There is NO reward at all without the risk.

4. They had to search amid dangers. Travelling in that day and age carried with it immense risks. Especially for people who looked and traveled with wealth. The danger of no water or food, the danger of robbers, the danger of getting lost and even death. The path to wellness and wholeness in Lyme carries with it immense danger. But life is worth it. Living again is worth it. The greatest rewards come at great price and high risk. Life after fighting for it, feels more alive that you ever remembered it before. It will never be taken for granted again.

5. They did their research and trusted it. The Magi didn’t spontaneously hop on a camel and take off aimlessly. They were experts at the stars and prophesy. They did their research. They studied and planned and packed and plotted. You can’t willy nilly this Lyme healing. Knowledge is not common and has to be looked for like treasure.  If you don’t have the energy then ask a loved one to be your advocate and become your expert. You must become your own PhD on your body and on Lyme. Trust your knowledge of your body’s signals. Trust your instincts, no matter if they contradict mainstream doctors.

6. They listened to God and were willing to be redirected. The Magi were asked by King Herod to come back and tell him if they found the Messiah, but God visited them in a dream and told them not to and to go home a new route. Have you prayed about your Lyme journey? Have you listened to God’s leading? Do you have a willing spirit? There are moments that are outside our capacity in Lyme. There are moments that are too big for us and the burden is too much to bear. God can bear it. God can direct. God can provide. We just have to listen and be willing.

7. They were alone, but together. This is one of my favorites. The Magi were few. The Magi didn’t have to wait in line after all the other Wise Men had traveled in from all the other countries near and far. They were alone in their search. They were alone in their belief of the Messiah’s coming. They were alone, but they had each other. Just because you are not getting support from your local doctor, your family or your friends – that doesn’t mean you are alone. This Lyme army is growing. This Lyme army is available to communicate, share, cry, support and encourage. I adore this Lyme army more and more each day and glean benefits. You are not alone, we are together.

8. They knew when to worship. The Magi were road weary. They had been searching and looking and riding and walking for too long. What did they do when they got to the Messiah? They worshiped. They didn’t sleep. They didn’t eat. They didn’t go find a bathroom. They didn’t high five each other in congratulations. They worshiped. Sometimes we need to take the focus off of ourselves. Sometimes we need to stop talking about how long the journey has been, or how hard it is, or how much money we don’t have. Sometimes we need to stop looking for the next cure, the next doctor, the next remedy and just worship. Worship feeds our soul. Worship renews our spirit. Worship clarifies our mind. Worship washes our hearts clean.

9. They knew what to relinquish their treasure on. The Magi had brought riches and wealth with them. They had protected it, earned it and treasured it but then willingly gave it away. They knew what real treasure was. The chosen one, the Messiah was worth all the treasure. It says in scripture that “wherever your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Luke 12:34) What is it that you treasure? Who you were? Is it the life you had? Or is it the life you’ve been given? Do you treasure your job, your house – or your health? What would you give everything for? I know for me, this changed completely as I became a parent and after having Lyme. It changed my complete outlook on what is really important and what I would give everything for.

May your journey lead to a destination of healing through a beacon of hope.

Merry Christmas.

Blessings and healing,

Janice Fairbairn – The LYme Evangelist

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