A Position of Strength – (Fighting for your life from a life position)

11a6093b963484cca78d927994a35691-711x563I’ve been reminded lately in life some serious battle plans, and since I have two members of my household that play Risk, I’ll put this into battle strategy terminology. If you want to win the war, each battle must be part of the whole strategy for winning. Each battle must be approached carefully from a position of strength. A battle position is defined as a point occupied by troops for tactical reasons.

Anyone who has watched enough movies knows that you have a tactical advantage if you are above your target, or you have surrounded or flanked your target. These things give you a position of strength.

Let me go further into military terms for just a moment – follow me here. A strong point is a heavily fortified battle position tied to a natural or reinforcing obstacle to create an anchor for the defense or to deny the enemy decisive or key terrain.  Now, hold that thought.

I’ve watched recently, a few special people in my world who are fighting for their life. Some young and some old and some my age – they all are fighting to live. Each day of their health crisis is and has been a battle and hardship. No denying it. Tough all the way around. A few more in my handful of Lyme friends are fighting this battle too, as you all are. Fighting for each day. One in particular is fighting no longer and is in heaven now, but he didn’t lose you see.

I watched him fight for life the last year and I learned even more about him at his life celebration service. I then began to look deep into the eyes of the others around me fighting for life and I’ll tell you what I’ve learned.

You must fight for life from a position of life. You must have a battle position already mapped out and a strategy in play even before you think you need it. You must have STRONG POINT already set up if you are going to win the war. And by win the war, I don’t mean you will always win on this side of heaven, but you will win because you never compromised your position of strength.

This does not mean that pain will not afflict you and that discouragement will not seize you. If your Strong Point is already established, then you don’t have to give it a second thought when you hit the battle lines. If your Strong Point is already anchored and established and protected, then just take the battle in stride, the ups and downs and the good with the bad. You are fighting from a position of life.

You must anchor to something sturdy on the good days, so that on the bad days or the ones that require retreat, your Strong Point will remain intact. You must know what you are protecting before you begin the fight. Your work is not worth protecting. Your possessions are not worth a hill of beans. Your family. Your relationships. Your character. Your faith. Your hopes and dreams. These are the things to protect.

You must be aware of what the enemy will attempt to steal when you are down and out. Because, if there is anything in this life that is a guarantee, it is that you will get kicked when you are down. The enemy of your heart is after you and seeks you to be defeated. If you are prepared and life is anchored to a Strong Point, then the enemy will lose. Life or no life on this earth, you can still win and the enemy can still lose.

Now, in the case of Lyme disease all these things are true, but their are additional unknowns that come into play. Your position of life can be threatened by unknowns outside your mind, heart and soul. Toxic mold, toxic water, chemicals, dental fillings, breast implants, EMFs, geothermic disturbances – all these things can try to steal your position of life. In order to properly approach this battle, clear the slate and get rid of all the outside forces that can surround your Strong Point. The emotional and spiritual and physical battles to heal are plenty enough.

I will add one more thing to this strategy of living for life. You must be very careful what weapons you chose to fight with. Some weapons used to fight for your life can be strongholds of darkness. Some people you surround yourself with will not hold the battle lines and retreat. Fix it. Your Strong Point must be protected. Get doctors, family and friends around you that will stand firm with your Strong Point and agree to help you keep fighting from a position of life.

I watched a Godly wonderful man pass on to the next life and he handled the fight of his life the last year from a position of life – he had a Strong Point and it showed. He didn’t lose. He died, living. His Strong Point was intact and his anchor firm and he lived, though he died.

I just looked another in the eyes the other day who is in her battle and she just gained a firm position of life. She is in a Lyme battle and has always had a Strong Point but the enemy was striking from unfair places and using outside forces like MOLD to keep her fighting from a place of darkness. In Lyme, if you find yourself here and that sounds familiar, then you need to find what is keeping you off balance and able to fight from life. I saw it just last week, she is now fighting from a position of life – her Strong Point is stable and she is fighting to live life and you can see the difference.

Watch for it in the eyes of those struggling. Help, pray and love them into a position of life living fighting power. Help them find their Strong Point. If you are fighting from a position of life, then you can never lose.

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. (Phil 1:21)
Blessings and healing,,
Janice Fairbairn – The Lyme Evangelist
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