

Is anybody a Columbo fan? You know how he would always ask that zinger question just as he was about to leave, almost as an afterthought? And it would be the one seemingly insignificant question that would change the entire investigation?

So, how could a few seemingly insignificant events going on in the background of your life right now change everything?

I was reading a familiar passage of scripture today and the word meanwhile jumped off the page and became so real to me. The passage is in Matthew chapter 27 and the meanwhile jumps from Judas returning the 30 pieces of silver and killing himself to Pilot interviewing Jesus for the last time and deciding his fate. These two significant events tied together with a mere meanwhile. I pictured in my mind the split screen of the TV hit show “24” with these two events. Sometimes one big thing can be going on and we focus on that big thing so much that we miss the meanwhile.

I began to remember times in my own life where meanwhile was a worthwhile conjunction. I thought about times that something big or busy or all consuming was going on but meanwhile there was other significant stuff happening too. Meanwhile literally means happening at the same time. Simultaneously.

So the question for you to ponder is this, what is happening in your meanwhile?

So you are fighting chronic illness, you are fighting Lyme, you are finding a doctor, saving money, eradicating mold from your house, removing mercury filings, having surgery…..and meanwhile…….what else is happening?

Now, before you start making a huge list of the meanwhiles that are happening that you are missing out on. That’s not what I’m talking about. Don’t list the playoffs, fantasy football, New Year parties, school plays, job offers, snow skiing and the like. These are not the meanwhiles I’m talking about.

Sit still and mentally put yourself up at a 30,000 foot view above your life. What significant or seemingly insignificant (but really important) things are happening meanwhile?

Breathe and think. Your health fight is not happening on a single screen. The movie of your life has multiple cameras on and many split screens. Look around you.

For me, I realized that our meanwhile solidified friendships, cleared out weak or fading friendships and brought us new ones too.

Our meanwhile strengthened the character of my children beyond what I could have comprehended. It amazes me still (I know I write about this often because it blows my mind). They understand answers to prayer better than a lifetime of churchgoing could have taught them. They get healing and health better than most doctors coming out of med school. They get sacrifice more than their peers will way into their 20s and 30s.

In our meanwhile we learned how to clear our plates and triage our life into important life giving, eternity growing things first and take or leave the rest based on the season.

Our meanwhile changed the entire trajectory of our lives and for the better. The paths we are on were not even visible or on the horizon before Lyme. But these paths were being forged and cut through the jungle all the while we were healing ready to be walked down now.

Write the word meanwhile somewhere on the fridge or your dashboard or somewhere on your computer or desk. So it makes you focus away from what you think is the main story line. Sometimes really great twists in books or movies pop out of a small subplot and throws the whole thing up-side-down. What is marinating right now in your subplot ready to emerge? What is happening in your meanwhile?

If you have a great example of a meanwhile, send it over. I would love to get great stories of your meanwhile.

Blessings and healing,
Janice Fairbairn – The Lyme Evangelist

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