My Blog

We have personally experienced the dangers of black mold and the dangers of subtle mold over the past few years. We visited some family two years ago Thanksgiving, and my daughter began to cough something terrible. At first, we thought it was just the coming on of a cold, but […]

Mold – the Silent Killer

million dollare
I Am a Thought Millionaire A UCLA study showed that a typical human brain has 70,000 thoughts per day. That equates to: 48 Thoughts per minute 2880 Thoughts per hour 25,500,000 Thoughts per year I am rich; I am a thought millionaire. Our bible study last night was discussing Mary, […]

I Am a Thought Millionaire

Its a dead giveaway that I am a parent when I have a thorough knowledge of Veggie Tales, Ninjago, and all things Disney Princess. I can actually beat the kids at Disney trivia and can sing all the theme songs at top volume. If you are not a Veggie Tales […]

Could you buy a zoo?

broken bones
During the deepest part of my valley, I know I looked sick – down to below 85 lbs my “bones were definitely on display”. But trying to describe to someone else how you feel and why you are so sick can be discouraging. I know Lymies who look “perfectly normal” […]

Broken Bones

Spider's web
The cords of death entangled me; the torrents of destruction overwhelmed me. The cords of the grave coiled around me; the snares of death confronted me. (Psalm 18:4-5) Anyone who has spent any amount of time at all in the Valley of the Shadow of Lyme disease, knows exactly what the Cords of […]

An Innocent Fly

CircleKids copy
My Kids are Amazing Of course every mother thinks her children are amazing, from their giggles to their snuggles on a typical kid day my kids are amazing. But because they are kids with chronic Lyme disease that they have had since birth – my kids are doubly AMAZING! They […]

My Kids are AMAZING!

panic cloud
With the pregnancy of my first child, I daydreamed and planned all the wonderful things that would be in store for me in motherhood. I imagined playdates, and field trips, and tickle fights and fixing owies. As a soon to be mother, all of have our head in the clouds […]

The Panic Cloud