My Blog

This week at church our family style VBS (Vacation Bible School) has had the theme “messy”. Our family got randomly selected to go on stage for a messy game and had to dress in hazmat suits to keep our clothes clean. As I was looking at pictures a friend took […]

Got your protection on?

Flag Fireworks
I grew up strong and independent, courageous and somewhat fearless. I travelled, I experienced, I rebelled, and I got in a little trouble. Its not my strength or courage or fearlessness or sense of adventure that has caused the most trouble in life, however, its been my independence. My independence keeps […]

Its my Dependence Day…..

Years and years ago, a friend and I were travelling internationally and had just made the last train departing the city to the airport to make our flight. As we were sitting on the train that hadn’t yet left, my friend decided she was horribly thirsting and spotting a vending […]

Just in the nick of time

I watched one grandmother die as her physical body gave up but her mental acuity sharp as a tack. I watched another grandmother die as her mental self faded and thus caused her physicality to give way. I am in a new generation and am now watching my mom’s mind […]

The Power of the Mind

Each day I see road signs, texts, email, social media notifications, roadkill, grade reports, homework and recipes. I see owies, tears, defiance, friendship and compassion. I see rain, sun, and wind through the trees, but where do you see faith? I saw it today in the eyes of a widowed […]

Have you seen faith lately?