Don’t Get Between a Girl and her Tiramisu

tiramisuOver the years, I’ve finally begun to learn how to pick my battles. Especially after getting married and having kids, right? I am persistant and opinionated by nature and tend to get passionate about just about everything I am passionate about. I tend to carry around a portable “soapbox” with me whereever I go.

Oh, if you know me, you know I am right about this. I have gotten better though – at learning to shut up and keep it locked inside when the moment doesn’t ask for my passion or opinion.

But sometimes people, you just have to stand up for what you believe in and not back down. Enter the tiramisu.

I love tiramisu and have happily sampled it from any and every menu all over the world to my heart’s delight. I mean, for me, there is nothing better than a good cup of black tea and a piece (or two) of tiramisu. I would drive across town, wait in a long line, and probably get hot bamboo shoved under my nails for a good piece of tiramisu. I’m just crazy like that.

There are many things to fight for in chronic illness – to work again, to run again, to drive again…..the list is endless.

Chronic illness seems hopeless at times. It seems you will never get back to “normal”, you will never get out of bed, you will never feel better. But you will. There is always an upswing or a release.

There is always tiramisu.

There is always something to fight for – to live for – to get passionate about – to get fired up for. There is always something.

Yes, it should be more important than a piece of delicate delicous Italian cake. But it can be simple too.

Find your tiramisu.

What is it that you are fighting for – healing for – living for? Are you feeling better and succeeding? What is your soapbox?

Everyone of us needs to have a soapbox that we carry around ready to “unleash” in a loving passionate way. I have been compelled to share my healing journey with others and try to save others from the peril of helplessness in chronic illness. It is a battle I want to always fight, no matter how uncomfortable or how much it annoys a loved one.

Some things are worth fighting for and believing in. But I have also learned to live and let live. I cannot change everyone and heal everyone today or this year or this lifetime. I will continue to help and educate and direct based on what we have learned, but I am learning to let it “marinate” over time.

And, hey, while they are thinking about it I might as well have a piece of tiramisu……

Blessings and healing,

Janice Fairbairn

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