Yearly Archives: 2014

broken heart
I am a woman who has seen affliction…… That’s what resonates in my soul this year. We had climbed out of a pit and two of us got knocked back down. I have suffered, I have neglected, I have been absent from important times. Unable to function at times throws […]

I am not BROKEN.

hard hit football
There I was minding my own business, healed from Lyme, starting to run again, acheiving my before sick weight again, working, taking kids to school activities, going on field trips and WHAM! I took a hit from behind. Isn’t that how it happened to you? You weren’t out looking for […]

Minding My Own Business

Bizarro World
If you are a Superman Comic fan then you would well be familiar with a place called Bizarro World where the opposite of things can happen. A place where bad things are good and good things are bad. If you are not a comic officianado, then maybe a few decades […]

Bizarro World

The fear mongering has reached a new epidemic with this “Ebola crisis”. I just don’t get the media and how they triage information. They don’t pick the epdemic that is killing more people each year, in fact they don’t even report on it with fluency or facts. They are looking […]

Why I’m not Afraid of Ebola