Happy Anniversary – TWICE

anniversary being aliveThe beginning of January hold two special anniversaries for me. The first is sobriety and its a doozy this year. I double eye blink and shake my head even as I type this. I’ve been sober for 15 years. The last time I got drunk was over 15 years ago, wow. And if you knew how much I liked to drink, you’d be doubly shocked. How I unshackled myself from that life of drinking is only by the grace of God. At the time, stopping smoking and drinking was the hardest thing I had to do until we reach the topic of my second anniversary.

The beginning of January four years ago began my journey to healing from Lyme by starting treatment at the Hansa Center for Optimum Health. This place saved my life and the lives of both my kids. But I’ll tell you straight up, overcoming this disease was 100 times harder than overcoming addiction. Stopping drinking was a walk in the park and a preparation for the ultimate tournament of champions against Lyme.

How many days has it been since your ground zero or illness began? Don’t count the years as “sick years” but as years you are still alive. I know the quality of life isn’t much to brag about but they are days you’ve been given still as a gift. I was not dancing a jig for life the first 18 months after beginning treatment, but I began to see it was possible to regain and fought hard to latch onto it. Life.

So, now when January rolls around each year I am nostalgic about two momentous occasions, both offering me the opportunity to live again. Life is precious. Life is too much to squander, too much to take for granted, too much to waste it away.

Live life. Truly live life. Even if you are still struggling and still fighting or overcoming a huge obstacle, or grieving a huge loss, just live.

As each anniversary passes, I realize I am stronger that I ever would have imagined. I realize that if I had known what was coming I would have folded the hand and walked away from the table – its good to have life’s good and bad come as surprises. I have come to grips with the ups and downs of life. I accept that by God’s grace I am still here and can celebrate today and its gift of life. Another wave will come to try to knock me over and by God’s hand I can be set on two feet again and live.

Blessings and healing,
Janice Fairbairn – The Lyme Evangelist

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