My Blog

We don’t do New Years Resolutions in our house, but we do participate in what I call a “restructuring”. We take a moment to think about the year behind and the year ahead. What things do we need to be focusing on or adding or subtracting. What things should we […]

Fully Broken

It might predate many of you, but the show Green Acres from the 60’s had a uppity city woman married to a hoboken farmer. They had dual lives living from one to the other – the country to the city life. It also had an annoying theme song….but I digress. […]

My Two Selves

So, I thought I was so organized, ordering my Christmas cards weeks ago so I can get them actually mailed ahead of time this year. Then, the cards arrived from a particular online vendor and they were way too dark. (as you can see) Cranky and disappointed, I began the […]

Mistake or Truthtelling?

I am thankful for family. I am thankful for a roof over my head. But can I say I am thankful for something that I dread? I am thankful for kind friends, A community of faith who sacrifice and break the mold. But can I say I am thankful for […]

I am so thankful.