I am thankful for family. I am thankful for a roof over my head. But can I say I am thankful for something that I dread? I am thankful for kind friends, A community of faith who sacrifice and break the mold. But can I say I am thankful for […]
Over the years, I’ve finally begun to learn how to pick my battles. Especially after getting married and having kids, right? I am persistant and opinionated by nature and tend to get passionate about just about everything I am passionate about. I tend to carry around a portable “soapbox” with […]
There is nothing more exhilerating after years battling health and getting no answers than feeling personally empowered to succeed. I used to feel so helpless. Our family was “duct-taped” together with a myriad of health issues that had no names, just a quagmire of stuff that kept us “messy”. I […]
I cried with your tears. I see the fear you have grappled with and still fight to subdue written on your face. I have seen it because my own reflection has shown me the same. The answers to your mysteries were hard to find and still left you wanting more […]
I am a woman who has seen affliction…… That’s what resonates in my soul this year. We had climbed out of a pit and two of us got knocked back down. I have suffered, I have neglected, I have been absent from important times. Unable to function at times throws […]
There I was minding my own business, healed from Lyme, starting to run again, acheiving my before sick weight again, working, taking kids to school activities, going on field trips and WHAM! I took a hit from behind. Isn’t that how it happened to you? You weren’t out looking for […]